iReady Classroom Mathematics Family Resources, iReady Diagnostic Resources and Summer Learning Packets
iReady Classroom Mathematics 2024 is a robust program that will help your student become a strong, independent mathematical thinker. The program uses an enhanced and strategic approach to math instruction, focusing on reason, problem solving, and student-to-student conversations about conceptual mastery. Students have the opportunity to tackle complex concepts, and hone their critical thinking skills about mathematics.
The program:
- Encourages students to develop a deeper understanding of mathematics concepts through productive struggle.
- Builds on students' prior knowledge with lessons that make connections within and across grade levels and directly address the major focus of the grade.
- Incorporates a classroom mathematics routine called "Try-Discuss-Connect" that promotes conversations and increases accessibility of mathematics for all students.

What is the iReady Diagnostic for Math and Reading?
Students take the iReady diagnostic assessment for Reading and Mathematics three times a year. This assessment is not used for grading purposes but rather to help teachers to best support your child’s learning. This tool informs students, parents and teachers of academic progress by identifying areas of strength as well as opportunities for growth. While it is a very important element, the diagnostic is only one of the many ways teachers identify student growth and need. Classroom observations, conversations with students and a review of student work, as well as many other factors, work in conjunction with the iReady diagnostic results for a full picture.
Student performance on the diagnostic is also the foundation of MyPath, which is the online personalized instruction component of the iReady program. The fall diagnostic results determines where a student starts on their path so it is important that it is a true and accurate picture of their math ability right from the beginning of the year to ensure success. Please take a few moments to watch this short video which explains the purpose of the diagnostic and how to navigate the “For Families Report” will be shared with you after each testing session. Understanding i-Ready Diagnostic Data for Families

How can I help my child with Math over the summer?
During the summer, students will continue to have access to their personalized learning from iReady via their MyPath for Math and Reading through mid-August. IReady suggests no more than 45 minutes per week maximum per subject for optimum student success. Younger students in K and 1 should spend only about 30 minutes.
The iReady Central Family Center has a wealth of resources to support iReady MyPath at home including data trackers, tips for success and the Video: iReady Lessons at Home
If you would like to know more about iReady online learning, please visit the iReady Family Center here:
If your family would like an additional summer math learning opportunity or an alternative to online learning, please see the math packets below. They contain practice problems and activities tied to the key learning from each grade to ensure students are ready to start strong in the Fall.
Packets can be downloaded and printed or your child can access the packets on a screen and solve the problems on paper or in a notebook. Answer Key packets are linked as well, so that you can support your student and help them to review and check their work. These packets do not need to come to school in the fall but are instead meant for at home practice.
Have a great summer!