Portrait of an 8th Grade Graduate
The Portrait of an 8th Grade Graduate was created by our Strategic Planning Committee. We engaged Community Leaders to identify the skills and qualities we want in a Jamestown Graduate. We believe these skills and qualities are essential to each individual as they prepare for their high school career. It is important to note that our strategic plan will prepare our students to be academically, socially, and mentally prepared for high school and beyond.
Adaptable Learner: | Independently uses a growth mindset to be open to new learning, expand on what you know, and to take academic risks when challenged. |
Inclusive Learner: | Acknowledges and respects diversity of various cultures, ethnicities and individual differences in others while being compassionate and empathetic to each other. |
Creative and Innovative Thinker: | Uses curiosity and imagination to inspire new ideas, build on previous learning, and to share ideas with others. |
Critical Thinker: | Evaluates, analyzes, and applies ideas to investigate, learn and see more than one way to solve a problem |
Effective Communicator: | Conveys information in a meaningful and effective way to achieve common goals with others in a digital and non-digital environment. |
Collaborator: | Learns from and contributes to the learning of others while working toward a common vision. |
Social-Emotional Well Being: | Effectively applies the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. |
Ethical and Global Citizen: | Takes an active role in society while acting with civic responsibility including respect, integrity, fairness, equity, and dignity in accordance with the rights and duties of your community, country, and world. |