About Us » Priority Areas and Goals

Priority Areas and Goals

I. Student Success
    1. Provide high-quality curricula to teach all students while providing opportunities to engage in critical thinking, creativity, innovation, collaboration and communication. 
    2. Develop a broad set of metrics that allows administration and educators to assess student’s progress towards achieving the portrait of the graduate.
    3. Expand curricular opportunities beyond core academics, incorporating the arts and 21st century skills. 

II. Social Emotional Well Being
  1. Implement practices and programs to create an environment that infuses SEL into the student’s educational experience and promotes equitable outcomes for all students.
  2. Provide a physically and emotionally safe environment in which all students will develop a sense of belonging at school and connection with others.

III.   Engaged Families and Communities

  1. Enhance meaningful engagement of families, parents, and community members.
  2. Expand after-school offerings to include more community activities leveraging the expertise of the greater Jamestown Community.
  3. Provide multiple avenues for families to engage in events and to include families in unique ways in student learning. 

IV. Equity, Diversity and Cultural Awareness

  1.  Utilize culturally inclusive curriculum materials to provide students with a window to the diverse experiences of human-kind.
    1. Ensure educational materials, practices and experiences promote equity, global awareness, and reduce bias. 
  2. Promote equity through differentiated professional development opportunities and differentiated instruction for staff, students, and families.
  3. Continue and develop the world language program k-8.
V. Efficient Systems and Resources
  1. Enhance the safety, efficiency and effectiveness of the organizational systems necessary for the standard operating procedures of human resources, building schedules, budgeting, school infrastructures, student supports and interventions, and technology. 
  2. Design and implement professional learning opportunities to develop our staff to facilitate 21st century learning to our students.
  3.  Audit the structure and programming of the middle school to ensure alignment with the Portrait of the Graduate, optimal academic and social emotional support, and preparedness for a high school education.  (Grade level teams)
  4.  Partner with town leadership, military, and industry to create strategies that increase the school age population.